Your precious time as an African and how it changes everything

Why do Africans treat time like it is a joke?

Is African culture wasting time and never being on time?

One of the major differences in culture between the first world and the so-called third world countries like Kenya is the way people treat time. And the saddest thing of all is that many people turn the whole thing into a joke. 

You will hear; Africans are not in a hurry, they do their things slowly. That is the general verdict and of course things are made worse by such popular African proverbs like haraka haraka haina baraka which is swahili for there is no blessing in being in a hurry. 

Whilst many of us get, sadly we still take it as a joke. To us it is not something very serious after all we are living our lives things are happening. I'm an African and I've done this and that, I have developed myself, I've helped develop my country. So what is the big deal now?

Time shock

I'm going to shock some of you. Actually this thing of time is much more serious than what you think and it is even spiritual because we are given time and all of us are given the exact same amount of time. The billionaire entrepreneur has exactly the same time on his hands to spend every day as the poor man living in a slum somewhere in kibra, Nairobi.

What most of us don't realize is that this time we have in our hands all the time, we will have to account for all of it one day. We will have to account for our time from the one who gave it to us. You're not here by accident you were brought here and you were given time to accomplish your mission not mine or anybody else's your particular mission on earth. And you were given a certain time in which to accomplish it (70 years to be precise give or take). 

Time is much more precious than money, gold

Time should be looked at like money because indeed it is even more precious than money because you can lose money and you can recover it. But once you lose time it is gone forever there is no known technology that can help you recover your time. It is gone and gone forever. 

And the saddest of all sad things is that one of the biggest thieves of this time (because we have agreed time is more precious than money) one of the biggest thieves of this time, this very precious thing called time, is distractions. 

We live in a world where there are a lot of distractions which take us away from the path we must consistently stick to to succeed. What path am I talking about? The path that leads to a particular individual destiny, your mission on this earth. What you were born to do and accomplish here on earth.

There's plenty of evidence to prove that all I have said so far is more than 100 percent true because we will all quickly agree that what you are today is a result of how you spend your time in the past. 

How you welcome with a smile, the biggest thief of your time

And what you're going to be in the future is going to be the result of nothing else but what you spend your time doing from today. In other words the more effective you are at dealing with the distractions and ignoring them, refusing to fall into the trap of distractions things to lead you astray to lead you in another direction of your path. Your ability to do that is what will determine your success. In other words those today who are very successful are the ones who spend their time in the past in the most productive manner. 

That in itself is a very major revelation. It is major because it means that if I sit down today and waste three hours taking in a movie that does not add value to my life, I am consistently building up to be a failure in this life. 

Time is precious, very precious. More precious than most of us Africans realize. And therefore I hope this video will help all of us and indeed most of us change the way we look at this thing called time. The remaining time we have in our hands. 

Brutal you will need to be

It may need you to be very brutal in removing distractions from your life. Removing people from your life who do not add value to you and who waste your precious time, taking you in the wrong direction. You and I will now need to focus only on those people who will be able to add value to our lives. 

That is critical and also it may be scary to those of us who have so many friends that we are so very determined to please all the time. But you need to remember that human nature has never changed and so I can tell you very authoritatively that over half your friends actually don't like you. Deep in their hearts they hate you. Deal with that and learn how to deal with that because it is the truth. 

And then a huge percentage of the friends left in your camp are this group of people you call your friends who are with you because they believe they have something to gain. That means that the minute they discover that they have nothing more to gain from you, they will drop you faster than the way somebody drops a hot break. 


These are just the harsh realities of this life therefore be careful the way you spend your time. 

* Your time will determine who you're going to be tomorrow.
* Your time is much more than precious even the money some people worship is not as valuable as your time.

I have made this video because this realization has hit me very hard very recently and I have determined in my life from now henceforth to spend my time very, very carefully. Doing everything in my power to make sure that I stick to my path to my passion. To the reason why I'm here and I'm praying that it will be the same with you.


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