Darkness in Kenya for over 20 hours: Is Mystery linked to deal where Turkana wind sells power to KPLC?

Kenya Power board chairperson Joy Mdivo-Masinde on Saturday tried to explain exactly what caused the nationwide blackout on Friday evening. And in the process she threw a spanner into the works and added even more mystery into the issue.

According to Mdivo, the supply was affected by the Turkana power station losing electricity, which caused the outage. She explained that the grid is set up so that when up to 4% of the required power is missing, other powered portions of the grid pick up the slack. However the grid was unable to handle the Friday situation since the loss was greater than the 4 percent loss.
Since Turkana is down, the grid is suddenly left with a lot less electricity than usual. As a result, just a few substations have been powered back up with the remaining power. This contradicts what the Turkana officials have said. They have emphasized that Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) was forced to cease its power generation due to an overvoltage situation in the national grid system. “Lake Turkana Wind Power wishes to assert that it has not caused the current power outage. LTWP was forced to go offline and stop generation following an overvoltage situation in the national grid system, to avoid extreme damage,” the statement read. This automatic shutdown mechanism is designed to prevent extreme damage to the wind power plant. In other words we have two very different stories. So who is telling the truth and who is lying. We unearth some startling hidden facts.

Here are some additional interesting facts about Turkana wind power that may be linked to the real reason behind the blackout last Friday.
A 310.25MW onshore wind power project is the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project. It is situated in Kenya's Marsabit. The initiative is ongoing, according to GlobalData, which records and assesses more than 170,000 power plants globally. It has undergone a single period of development. In June 2018, after construction was finished, the project was put into service. 

Anset Africa and Lake Turkana Wind Power created the project. Currently, 31.25% of the project is owned by BlackRock Alternative Investors.

One million households may be powered by the project's 1,250GWh of electricity, which is enough clean energy to offset 736,615t of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions each year.

Towers in the project are 44 m tall.

The project was officially launched in June 2018.

Power purchase agreement

The power generated from the project is sold to Kenya Power and Lighting under a power purchase agreement. The power is sold at the rate of $0.081kWh for a period of 20 years. The contracted capacity is 310.25MW.



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