Crafty Ruto has a plan but who is putting pressure on him and Raila to shake hands ASAP?

So much confusion in Kenya politics just now. Although it is also clear that President Ruto has a plan. One that will favour his side whilst ignoring the needs of the vast majority of the Kenyan people. Hardly surprising when the majority did not vote for him. And a clear sign of that plan is the hearty meal of rice and beef that was served at the Sagana State lodge over the weekend to Mt Kenya residents attending a "cleansing" prayer service and political rally at that historic venue.
It is essentially a question of the underlying intentions and potential consequences of such actions. The incident serves as a reminder that politicians should be held accountable for their actions and that communities should not be used as pawns in political games. It came out clearly for the first time that when you discuss Mt Kenya politics you are talking about real people with real stories to tell and a reality that they are currently facing, even as you analyze their politics.

Naturally, spiritual folks will be quick to say that it all has to do with the season that Kenya has entered and the judgement to all that must unfold. And this judgement, for those who are interested, is ultimately going to affect ALL Kenyans and all communities.

Recent major political events in Kenya would seem confusing to those who want to stick to official narratives. More so those coming out of a government that is well known for propaganda narratives. The truth is that it is highly unlikely that Karim Khan, the ICC chief prosecutor, would come to Kenya for no reason. As the head of the International Criminal Court's prosecution office, his visits to countries are usually driven by specific purposes and objectives.

It is worth examining the circumstances surrounding Uhuru Kenyatta and his family's decision to leave Kenya for a holiday. And the very disturbing timing for this development. Coincidences can occur, but it is important to consider the context and any potential connections.

Even as some Kenyans are highly expectant of a handshake or agreement of some sort coming out of the ongoing talks between Raila and Ruto teams to end political tensions in the country, the emerging realities on the ground tell us a very different story. And they tell us clearly the bad news; we should not expect much to come out of the talks. Both history and the characters of the main players dissuades any serious observer or analyst looking at this any other way.

Even as dark clouds hang over the nation of Kenya spiritually, some Kenyans have a very bad feeling about this August 2023. And they are convinced that something very big is coming. And it could quite possibly be linked to the dramatic events that have unfolded in the country over the last two months or so. Since Kenya attained her independence and even before, the month of August seems to have a streak of bad luck for politicians in Kenya. Disasters too have happened in Kenya in August. Game-changing major events have also unfolded in this same dreaded month.


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