Cherargei vs Murkomen: The chaotic way it must end

Where is this really going?

I'm tempted to look at this Cherargei-Murkomen push-pull Soap Opera in a different, less dramatic and rather mundane UDA-ist way. 

Cherargei is clearly "salty" over something and is being very emotional. But whatever he is saying, is in bad faith to get at Murkomen, and not   as a matter of principle or sense of justice regarding corruption as a vice. 

Of course, what he's saying is very entertaining, but that's where it ends for me. We don't even know what the two are fighting over, and therefore, we shouldn't automatically accept their subliminal invite for us to join one or the other side. This is because both are being very economical with the actual truth. And for a reason!.

This is certainly their own private internal fight, only that it has gotten out of control because of very strong competing egos and lack of functional internal dispute resolution mechanisms in their criminal outfit, and now they're seeking to involve us in it, without divulging the context, or background of it all.  Both are being cagy.

Both Cherargei and Murkomen are Ruto's tribalistic diehard supporters, and what that means is that whatever differences they may have, are but small quibbles over girlfriends or simple sibling rivalry;  or if it's anything major that can make tempers flare like that,  then it's definitely over "unjust"  division of looted, or otherwise corruptly-obtained money. 

There's no honor amongst thieves, and it's plausible that Murkomen may probably have pulled a fast one on Cherargei and other gang members by refusing to fully accommodate their financial appetites in a deal or deals. 

And hence, Cherargei has decided to go feral and burn it all down, by making salacious "revelations", which he otherwise would never have revealed, so to say. The "revelations" are not for the public good out of concern over corruption, though. It's just a way of knocking Murkomen.

In fact, upon careful inspection, we see that Cherargei's  tirade(s) and Murkomen's counterpunch(es) show  that they are both seeking attention, sympathy and support from all of us, as the public. But here is the thing:- we don't even understand the genesis of what they are quarelling about, or what they fell out over. And they are not telling us. Believe it or not, this isn't about some crappy roads in Nandi county.

However,  it's not even important what the fight is about, because so long as they see nothing wrong with the Ruto-UDA-KK mismanagement and misrule as a whole, and are eager participants in the thieving spree, they lack the moral right to indignation over any transgression on each other's part. They amply merit one another!

SEE ALSO:  The Overlooked: Male Victims of Female Perpetrators in Rape Cases in Kenya Come Forward

David Murathe Changed: In his younger days David Murathe was a shockingly different man. What happened? And why does Kenya have such a long list of people who started out with big patriotic dreams but ended up with a legacy that rubbishes everything they originally stood for? A search for answers to a most complex question.

The events that have been unfolding in West Africa and Central Africa have really excited Kenyans
And I dare say that Kenyan authorities should be very concerned that Kenyans are excited. They need to ask themselves why these coup events have really excited Kenyans. 

But in the excitement there is a lot of misconception and even confusion, because most do not have experience in following international politics or even foreign news of what is happening in other countries.
And yet the way things are shaping up in Africa it is going to be increasingly important to understand very clearly what is happening in other African countries. There are two reasons;

1) It will help you understand what is happening locally in your country e.g. in Kenya 

2) Trends are showing us very clearly that in most instances what happens elsewhere tends to spread to other African countries and could easily come to your country.

Senator Cherargei seems very keen to be a member of the ODM party. So much so that his keen interest in the party causes him to comment and make suggestions concerning ODM internal affairs. Join ODM senator, your love for the party has been proved.

Raila's chess move: After the recent move by the ODM party to finally discipline errant politicians who have been voting with the government in parliament and supporting UDA positions, the question on the minds of Kenyans is what will happen next? Most are skeptical, especially after Kenyans saw what was done to Uhuru Kenyatta's Jubilee Party recently as errant politicians grabbed it for William Ruto.

However in this instance, it seems that this is only the initial move by Raila Odinga in a larger scheme to deal even with those legislators who visit State house at night and ultimately to strengthen the party for a major looming political duel.


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