Get FREE Special Reports On Your Governor race or Political Area Of Interest For Your Eyes Only until August 4th

Perhaps it is a good idea for your governor/MP to start packing his bags early... kwasababu anaenda nyumbani for sure...

Who is vying for governor in your county? What are the under-hand/backroom deals and tactics being employed currently on the ground as we speak? How will the people vote?

You can get;

1) A very detailed special report analyzing your county of interest (or constituency) in great detail.

2) Very regular updates until election day (we have our people on the ground).

3) All this in a special dossier prepared for your eyes ONLY. 

All you have to do is join the Kumekucha Club895. You will not need to join any other Kumekucha club or offer because you will ALSO get ALL the other benefits of club 595 plus these regular reports on your area of interest. It could even be for a constituency (MP). Do not worry how remote it is, we will be able to get the information for you.

Are you already a club595 member?
Club595 members who want to get these special reports can upgrade by simply topping up Kshs 300 only (or $3).

Obviously this is a lot of work and I can only take a very limited number of people into this deal. Kindly hurry and become a club 895/- member to avoid disappointment.

To become a member all you need to do is Mpesa 895/- to my assistant Carol Peters on 0701 333112 or Paypal $8.95 to the email

After you Mpesa, please do not forget to SMS me your email address (to the same number) so that I know where to send the highly sensitive al Shabaab Kikuyu torture dossier and video and all the other highly informative Kumekucha info that is usually way too sensitive to publish online. 

Do the same via email if you are using Paypal. 

I welcome you in advance to the Kumekucha world where we are a little more informed and are therefore able to make informed analysis and decisions in this dangerous and unpredictable world we live in these days.

Some of the Kumekucha books you will be able to get instantly as a member of club595 include ALL old titles plus the three latest below.

This fee gives you unlimited access

Mpesa 895/- to my assistant Carol Peters on 
0701 333112 or Paypal $8.95 to the email;  

Latest books...
a) The strategy: What JUBILEE and ODM insiders have planned for Kenyans to win the presidency at all costs.

b) 2017 Elections: This is what is set to happen
c) Dirty Secrets Uhuru and Raila do not want you to ever know 

Join the Kumekucha club895 Now and get all this information, regular revealing special reports and more. All you need to do is Mpesa 895/- to my assistant Carol Peters on 
0701 333112 or 
Paypal $8.95 to the email


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