
Showing posts from 2008

How Zanzibar benefitted from post election violence in Kenya

Interview with Nigel Brown, Chairman House of Wonders What has the real impact been on your business, as a result of the Kenyan crisis and when did you start to see the extra tourist traffic. We started to feel the change end of January and We have had an exceptionally strong February approx. + 20% on previous years. This is partly due to a general continued growth in interest in Zanzibar and in part due to the crisis in Kenya. Do you think that Zanzibar may have been overwhelmed since it all happen so suddenly and unexpectedly. I don’t think so. Certainly many of the hotels are full at this time but I do not think that this added trade will in some way tip the balance. It must be remembered that Zanzibar has seen explosive growth over the last ten years and is able to cope. Most visitors to Zanzibar usually complain about the poor service and poorly trained hotel personnel in comparison to other tourist destinations in Africa. Please comment. I do not agree with your starting premise....

Day break in Africa

Riding on the phenomenal success of the original Kumekucha site (millions hits and climbing), Kumekucha-Africa seeks to cover the entire continent of Africa with unique stories that you will not find anywhere else and fresh angles never touched before. The new emerging Africa, despite all the bad news that continues to trickle from the continent, is exploding with new opportunities crying out to be explored. You will find lots of news and revelations on that here. As well as business and human interest stories. Then you can also look forward to our exciting new monthly magazine (circulated worldwide) that will seek to capture and develop the best and most popular stories here. Swahili is a language spoken in many countries of Africa and the word "kumekucha" means "day break" in Kiswahili. It is indeed daybreak on the continent that has had a rather longish night.

New dawn for Africa
